It’s that time of year when so many of us make resolutions to go to the gym, to lose a few kilos/lbs. change careers, travel, etc. Then, in about three weeks' time, we realise that we have already failed to do what we said we were going to do, and we give up completely… again.
The problem is we are trying to take an old version of us into a new way of life…
Making the changes to your lifestyle that you want to make is less about changing and a lot more about growing into a better version of you who has the courage and confidence to do all the things that you want to do but don’t. This new version of you doesn’t have the bad habits or limiting beliefs the old version of you has, or at least has less of them with each bit of progress you make.
You can’t change the person you currently are, this version of you will always exist, but you can leave this version behind and become the version of yourself you want to be. You can become the best version of yourself and it all starts with a new attitude and new outlook.
Instead of saying I will start going to the gym and trying to convince the old version of you who hates the gym that going to the gym is a good idea – just go to the gym, show up as the new version of yourself that likes going to the gym.
Old you isn’t invited as she hates the gym, new you loves the gym and enjoys getting fit.
Instead of saying I will lose a few kilos/lbs. and trying to convince the old you that eating salads and other healthy foods is a good idea when all they crave is fast food – just eat the salads and the other healthier foods.
Old you doesn’t get to have a say on what you eat because new you is making all the decisions.
Instead of saying I will change career and try to convince the old you to learn the new skills needed and/or apply for the new role you want – just sign up and start learning, write out your resume/CV and send it off.
Old you can stay stuck in the same old job she hates because new you has lots of plans and ambitions to fulfil.
Stop Trying to Change Your Bad Habits and Just Become a Version of You with Good Habits
The version of you that you currently are probably has some bad habits and a number of limiting beliefs and these will cause this version of your to put up a strong resistance to change. This is what she/he knows, and this is what she/he does, anything different from this is too scary and unfamiliar to even try.
It’s the mindset that has to change first, the attitude of ‘I can’ needs to replace the ‘I can’t’ before the action of doing. This is why so many of us fail at New Years resolutions year after year because we are trying to make the physical changes to our lives before changing the mindset. We are dragging a couch potato to the gym when we need to leave the potato on the couch and take the gym loving version of us to the gym.
Become the person who can do all the things you want to do.
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