Have you ever wanted to make big changes in your life? I have, and I found it very difficult to make some of them as I had (unbeknown to me at the time) limiting beliefs about myself.
I kept getting stuck on the same hurdles, no matter what I did I could not get past them and move on to the life I wanted. It was like I was stuck on level 4 of the game of life and could not unlock the secret to unlocking level 5. (I can’t believe I am doing a computer game analogy as I am not a gamer at all!)
So how do I complete level 4 and move on?
I knew about limiting beliefs, I knew they existed, and I also knew they rarely if ever belong to the person that has them as they are planted in the first 5-7 years of our lives before our brains are developed enough to question everything around us, and we absorb everything like a sponge.
I realised I must have them, but I didn’t know what they were, or how deep they were buried in my unconscious mind. Or how in the name of living my best life, I was going to find them.
So, I began to dig deep, I read lots of self-help books, I researched on the computer and in the library and tried so many different ways, I mixed and matched and I experimented until I could Identify and eliminate these thoughts and beliefs that were holding me back, keeping me stuck in a life I did not enjoy or feel fulfilled in.
If you too feel that something innate is holding you back, stopping you from reaching your goals or following your dreams try this:
Write down the hurdle you are having trouble with.
Think back to when you were younger, what were the messages you received about this subject?
For instance, say your hurdle was not having enough money to do the things you want, think back to the messages you received as a child about money…
The messages might have been about money itself or socioeconomic status
Money is the root of all evil
You have to have money to make money
People like us never have enough money
This is the hand we were dealt
We have to accept that some people are rich and some are poor
We are not that lucky
Or was it more personal, were you made to feel unworthy?
You don’t deserve X-Y-Z
huh, In your dreams
We don’t have enough money for you to do X-Y-Z (but maybe they had money for your siblings or themselves)
That will do for you, you don’t need X-Y-Z
You don't get to ask for what you want, you get what you're given.
The most important thing here is that you are only identifying the source so you can work on removing the limiting belief NOT for apportioning blame and this is for TWO very good reasons
1. The person who gave you that message probably gave it to you unwittingly, it’s what they believed to be true because someone in their past taught them the same.
2. You will never move past a limiting belief by replacing it with resentment, anger, frustration etc. Little or nothing will be achieved by blaming anyone. Only more hurt and lack can come of this.
The object of finding this limiting belief is that this is the only way you can remove it from your unconscious mind and replace it with a healthy belief that will support you with your goals and plans in life.
Keep digging down into your mind until you have a ‘light bulb’ moment and suddenly you know what belief you have that is holding you back.
Now you can start to debunk that belief:
Write down all the reasons you know that belief not to be true and create an affirmation to counteract it. Such as:
Old Limiting Belief | New Positive Affirmation |
You have to have money to make money | Money is energy and I can align myself with that energy and attract money into my life.
Money is the root of all evil | Money is not evil; it is people's greed that is evil. |
People like us never have enough money
| We are all equal, I have as much right to riches and wealth as everyone else. |
We are not that lucky
| We make our own luck with our beliefs, and I believe I am rich. |
You don’t deserve X-Y-Z
| I deserve to have all the good things life has to offer. |
Not enough money for you | Money is energy, and energy is limitless, it can never run out, there is always enough. |
For an affirmation to be positive it MUST be worded positively for instance if you to affirm ‘I am not lucky I work hard for what I deserve.’ This – although true – is going to bring you more hard work. If you were to affirm ‘ I won’t think bad thoughts about money – guess what, you are going to think bad thoughts about money.
Use positive language only – no don’ts, won’ts, can’ts, not’s etc. add plenty of ‘I can’s’ ‘I am’s’ ETC
Say these affirmations out loud every day, say them in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, before you go to bed, as soon as you wake up. Keep saying them until they become part of you, part of your unconscious mind. Let them become part of your belief system.
That hurdle you could not get over starts to seem smaller and seems to be getting smaller and less significant every day until one day you walk right past where it used to be, and you probably won’t even notice.
You have everything within you to achieve and accomplish anything you set your mind to, you are a powerhouse of ideas and creativity. Smash through those limiting beliefs for it is those and those alone that are holding you back. Go out there and make it happen!
I hope you enjoyed reading How You Too Can Smash Through Those Limiting Beliefs Once and For All! Let me know if it helped you to smashed through your limiting beliefs.
If you found this helpful you may enjoy:
45 Positive Affirmations to Help You Release All Limiting Beliefs and Create the Life You Deserve - Or you can head over to my YouTube Channel and listen to the affirmations aloud or try the subliminal version as you drift off to sleep.

Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey.
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