Subliminal messages have been around for a long time, and have been proven to be very powerful, so powerful that it is unethical and, in some countries, illegal to make people listen to them without them knowing as they can be used for negative purposes.
I want to focus on the positive effect subliminal messages and subliminal affirmations can have when you are trying to make positive changes in your life. They can be used for anything you want to change, as almost everything is mindset-based, change your mindset, change your life!
It sounds simple, doesn’t it? That’s because it is. It’s not an overnight thing, so if you go to sleep listening to a subliminal audio or video, don’t expect a sudden change in the morning! It takes time and must be repeated often for them to work, but they will.
There are a lot of subliminal videos on YouTube that let you know exactly what the subliminal messages are, and these can be very effective when you are trying to change your mindset around any given topic.
So just how do subliminal messages in the form of affirmations work and why do I need to change my mindset to make changes in my life?
Subliminal messages work by taking a direct route to your unconscious mind. Your unconscious mind is the ‘programmed part of your mind’, it was being programmed from the moment you were born with everything you heard, saw, felt. All the things your parents talked about when you were in hearing distance, all the things in your environment, for the first 5 year of your life your mind was a sponge that soaked up everything around it and this formed the basis of your unconscious mind’s programming and became the beliefs, rituals, rules, habits… you live your life by.
Every time you affirm one of the beliefs you already have it gets stronger, every time you try to go against an established ‘belief’, because your conscious mind has a different opinion (this is your free-thinking mind) you find it resists the change making it difficult for you to make the change or to do something different or even to do something differently, which is why we find it so hard to breck bad habits.
This is where so many people get stuck with making life changes. Changing the ‘programming’ is difficult, in fact, it is probably one of the most difficult things you will ever do if you are one of the brave and tenacious few who actually pushes themselves to do so. Most people give up at this stage and just resign themselves to the life they have right now and spend the rest of it in a kind of ‘Groundhog Day’. Going through the motions every day not realising that they could have had the life they wanted if they had just worked on letting go of the limiting beliefs they had pre-programmed and re-programmed with their conscious mind ideals that align with their own personal values.
And it’s not just the fact they missed out on their ideal life, when your unconscious mind and conscious mind are not in sync with each other it causes frustration, negative self-talk, jealousy, overthinking, anger, boredom, inaction, anxiety and can lead to depression, broken relationships, and even addictions.
So how can subliminal affirmations help me change my life?
By listening to subliminal affirmations that support the life you want to live you can override the indoctrinated beliefs that you have stored in your unconscious mind and create the life you want.
You can do it by reading and repeating the affirmations out loud every morning and evening, which is very effective in changing your mindset, but the process of getting it to become embedded in your unconscious mind can take time. Think about the last time you tried to learn a new skill, you had to repeat it over and over before it ‘stuck’ and you could do it without conscious effort.
By listening to a subliminal message or affirmations you are literally taking a short cut straight to the unconscious mind. This is done by changing the frequency the affirmation audio is played at, your conscious mind cannot hear it, but your unconscious mind not only hears it but soaks it up and stores it exactly as it was heard, for this reason, it must always be worded in the positive, no ‘not’s’ ‘don’ts’, ’can’ts’ etc. and you have to listen to them repeatedly. Gradually over the next few days, weeks, months (some will work quicker than others) you will see changes.
When I first discovered subliminal messages, I decided to test them out, to see if they really do work, I had read some research on them but I like to see these things for myself, so I created my own video with specific affirmations for what I needed, I made one with upbeat morning sunshine picture and music and another with calmer sleepy music with a nighttime scene. I played the morning one every morning for a couple of weeks and the nighttime one as I got ready for bed and started unwinding every evening. Things started to shift, I started to make better choices, quicker decisions, things started to go in the right direction, people around me seemed to change too. Every affirmation I had recorded was starting to show signs of becoming true for me, I realised my unconscious mind was being re-programmed. It was starting to get very exciting!
By aligning your unconscious mind and your conscious mind’s beliefs you create peace and calm allowing you to act upon your dreams and your goals. Your self-esteem will go up, your blood pressure will go down; you will find yourself more focused than you have ever been before, see things clearer than ever before and you will have a newfound confidence in your ability to achieve all of your aspirations and the courage to get out of your comfort zone to pursue them.
Great! Where do I find good reputable subliminal affirmations that will help me get to my best life?
There are lots of creators of subliminal messages and affirmations on YouTube. Some will be reputable others may not be. Personally, I always put every word of the subliminal message/affirmations in the description, and I know others that do the same. If they haven’t declared what is in it, I probably wouldn’t chance it. So, I would recommend checking the description before you hit play.
Head on over to my YouTube Channel @positivethinkingforbeginners to listen to my subliminal affirmation playlist, or use the links below. Please let me know how you get on as I know how much they have helped me, and I would love to hear your success stories 😊 also please let me know if there are any other subjects you would like covered in a subliminal video.
or check out my playlist for other topics of subliminal affirmation playlist,

Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey.