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Lisa Edwards
Feb 234 min read
How I Manifested My Heroes at the Market and Why I’ll Never Question the Universe Again.
Today I asked the universe for a reminder. I asked it to give me Faith… quite literally, ‘Faith’ as in George Michaels debut album. I was go

Lisa Edwards
Jan 23 min read
How You Can Make 2025 Your New Year to Really Sparkle!!!!
There is a feeling of the slate being wiped clean, closing the door on a chapter of our life and turning the page knowing that although we h

Lisa Edwards
Nov 26, 20243 min read
31 Morning Positive Affirmations to Make Today and Every Day a Great Day!
These positive affirmations are a fantastic way to get you into the right frame of mind and create the right attitude to get things done and

Lisa Edwards
Oct 11, 20234 min read
One of the fastest ways you can profoundly change your life is to rid yourself of toxic people.
Toxic people… they come in all shapes and sizes, they disguise themselves as family, friends and colleagues. Some are quite obviously toxic,

Lisa Edwards
Oct 8, 20234 min read
32 Life Changing Quotes from the Ever-Inspirational Brendon Burchard
Brendon Burchard is one of my top go to when I need some inspiration, he has a knack of summing something very profound up in just one sente

Lisa Edwards
Oct 4, 20233 min read
21 Incredible Oprah Winfrey Quotes That Will Change Your Life
I have my own favourite Oprah Winfrey Quotes and I share them with you here along with some of her many inspirational quotes. I hope you enj

Lisa Edwards
Oct 1, 20234 min read
How to Be Your Own Super-Hero and Create the Life You Want
Once upon a time us women were expected to sit around and wait for a knight in shining armour to come along and rescue us from the drearines

Lisa Edwards
Sep 14, 20232 min read
14 Self-Care Quotes That Will Inspire You to Take Some Time Out for Yourself
Self-care can be something as simple like a relaxing bubble bath (to relax your mind you must start with your muscles) but it is also elimin

Lisa Edwards
Apr 12, 20233 min read
Fighting Against What You Don’t Want Won’t Bring You What You Do Want!
If you want to get serious about making changes in your life you need to start getting seriously positive!

Lisa Edwards
Mar 14, 20238 min read
If Positive Thinking does not work, why is it so many successful people swear by it?
There are people that will claim they have tried it, and that it simply doesn’t work, but after how ever many years you have spent thinking

Lisa Edwards
Feb 1, 20232 min read
7 Vincent van Gogh Quotes to Inspire us all to Live our Best Life
If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend you do… Meanwhile here are a few of Vincent Van Gogh's quotes that are so inspirational they are

Lisa Edwards
Jan 23, 20233 min read
Gratitude – Be Grateful for What you Have Before it Becomes What You Had
There are unlimited things for us to be grateful for, the lists above don’t even scratch the surface, but hopefully they are enough to get y

Lisa Edwards
Jan 11, 20237 min read
10 Things to Do (and 7 Things to Give Up) to Change Your Life
Only you know what is right for you, so don’t listen to ANYONE else regarding what changes you need to make. Even if they mean well, people

Lisa Edwards
Dec 28, 20226 min read
My Favourite Quotes and why they resonated with me in 2022
I am often drawn to certain quotes and I won’t have a clue why, and then suddenly it will make sense to me why that particular quote has mad

Lisa Edwards
Oct 26, 20222 min read
17 Quotes from the Ever-Inspiring Eleanor Roosevelt on Life's Lessons
Eleanor Roosevelt was probably the most admired and powerful women of her time. Although she was the First Lady of the United States from 19

Lisa Edwards
Oct 12, 20224 min read
30 Positively Fabulous Norman Vincent Peale Quotes on The Power of Positive Thinking
NVP loved a good quote and in one of his books he quoted Winston Churchill saying “It is a good thing to read books of quotations. The quota

Lisa Edwards
Oct 7, 20222 min read
If you see someone without a smile… give them one of yours.
We are naturally attracted to people who smile, people who are genuinely happy and smile a lot come across as warm and approachable, therefo

Lisa Edwards
Sep 30, 20223 min read
Change the way you look at things… and things change. 20 Quotes to Inspire you.
It’s our attitude that determines how we look at things and an attitude can be changed, just by deciding to change it you will have changed

Lisa Edwards
Sep 21, 20226 min read
Put Your Own Oxygen Mask on FIRST!!! And Other Self Care Tips
If you are one of the many people who still think that self-care is a) selfish b) just a fad c) a millennial excuse for a bit of pampering d

Lisa Edwards
Sep 18, 20223 min read
27 Quotes on Why Being Kind to Others is Being Kind to Ourselves
Being kind to others doesn't only benefit the recipient, we get to feel good about ourselves for our 'selfless' act. We get to feel pleasure
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