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Lisa Edwards
Sep 21, 20213 min read
Two Simple Ways to Remember to Say Your Positive Affirmations Every Day
Finding time to say your positive affirmations can be tricky, remembering to find the time and say them regularly can be even harder....
Lisa Edwards
Sep 13, 20213 min read
Why It Seems Everyone Else Has It All Together While You Feel You’re Just About Holding It Together
So, just why does everyone else seem to have it all together while you feel you’re just about holding it together? Why do other people seem
Lisa Edwards
Sep 7, 20214 min read
Why You Don’t Have to be Happy all the Time to Be a Positive Thinker
I believe the misconception stems from the fact that those that adopt a positive mind-set are generally happier in themselves.
Lisa Edwards
Aug 29, 20213 min read
3 Harry Potter Inspired Self-Discovery Questions
Try these three Harry Potter inspired self-discovery questions and see what you learn about who you are and what you want in life. Your answ
Lisa Edwards
Aug 22, 20213 min read
Positive Thinking vs Wishful Thinking
So, what’s the difference, they are the same aren’t they? Well, yes and no. They do have commonalities, so in some ways they are similar, bo
Lisa Edwards
Aug 18, 20214 min read
23 Quotes to Help You to Let Go of What is Holding You Back
Hurt, anger, resentment, bitterness, tired relationships, toxic relationships are just some of the things that are so hard to let go of that
Lisa Edwards
Aug 11, 20214 min read
26 Quotes on Why it’s Important to Have an Attitude of Gratitude
I’m sure you’ve heard of an 'attitude of gratitude', but do you know why it’s so important to your wellbeing, your mental health and your li
Lisa Edwards
Aug 7, 20213 min read
I Am… Two of the Most Powerful Words in The World.
I Am… two of the most powerful words in the world, for what you put after them, defines you.
Lisa Edwards
Aug 4, 20213 min read
25 Quotes on Comfort Zone and Why it’s So Important for You to Get Out of Yours.
The problem with comfort zones is that we get so used to them that we can forget that we can do things differently.
Lisa Edwards
Jul 31, 20213 min read
1 Simple Step to Stop You Ever Worrying Again if You Left the Oven On
If you are anything like me then there will be times when you are on your way to work and a thought suddenly pops into your head telling you
Lisa Edwards
Jul 24, 20214 min read
10 of the Biggest Life Lessons I Have Learned so Far
Life is full of lessons, Life is just one big classroom; we are all being taught every moment of every day.
If we don’t pay attention, we
Lisa Edwards
Jul 17, 20215 min read
Are You Suffering from ‘Limiting Belief Disorder’?
‘Limiting Belief Disorder’ is a very common ailment that is suffered approximately by up to 99% of the population – that’s why the 1% have a
Lisa Edwards
Jul 10, 20216 min read
60 Small Steps to Decluttering Your Home
The very idea of decluttering your home can be completely overwhelming, you look around and see so much stuff that it can seem impossible to
Lisa Edwards
Jul 5, 20212 min read
4 Quotes to Encourage You to Take Time Out and Experience Mindfulness for Yourself
Taking time out for yourself may seem an impossible task, with so many things to do, and so many people relying on you, your mind racing wit
Lisa Edwards
Jul 3, 20213 min read
10 Quotes on Letting the Negatives Go and Why It’s So Important
So many of us focus on the negatives in our lives and don’t realise that until we need to be letting go of the negatives and focusing on th
Lisa Edwards
Jun 30, 20212 min read
Why Feeling Sad Doesn’t Mean You’re a Negative Person
The misconception with positive thinking that a positive thinker is happy and upbeat all the time. That's just not true at all.
Lisa Edwards
Jun 26, 20213 min read
16 Utterly Fantastic Quotes to Inspire You to Live Your Best Life
Quotes can have an extraordinary effect on us. You just find one that resonates with you at this very moment, and it can be a game changer.
Lisa Edwards
Jun 21, 20213 min read
5 Techniques to Help Calm You When Anxiety Gets the Better of You.
Anxiety can be overwhelming and it can help to have some techniques up your sleeve to help you to overcome it, here are 5 for you to try.
Lisa Edwards
Jun 7, 20214 min read
6 Things You Can do Today to Take Control of Your Life
If you are dreaming of a life lived better there are steps you can put into place today to make the rest of your life the best of your life:
Lisa Edwards
May 27, 20214 min read
How to start your day with a great attitude that will kickstart a great day!
But what if we woke up feeling that today was going to be exceptionally good, it was going to fun, productive, exciting, exhilarating, prosp
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